Our anti-bullying strategy

We are taking part in Anti-bullying Week 2023, including 'Odd-socks Day' and a range of other activities. Click here for more information.
At Orchard Meadow we believe that our school communities’ happiness and safety is paramount factor to successful learning.
Bullying will not be tolerated in our school. The school has a positive approach to managing children’s behaviour, which concentrates on praise, trust and respect. We recognise however that even in a positive and open climate bullying may still occur. As part of school improvement, we actively review, monitor and evaluate our practice and policy to ensure we take all steps possible to prevent bullying and deal with any incidents in a way which will prevent further occurrences.
We aim to have a school where: -
- All feel secure and valued
- All are aware that the school is trying to reduce and prevent bullying behaviour
- All know how to cope with bullying
- All know how to deal with and respond to bullying
- All staff however follow the procedures set out in this policy
The school defines bullying as all forms of behaviour which intentionally causes another to experience distress, fear or physical pain. Bullying is characterised by actions which are repeated and targeted at the same person, with the intent to cause harm although the action may be different each time.
What are the different types of bullying?
Bullying can include name calling, taunting, mocking, making offensive comments, kicking, hitting, pushing, taking belongings, inappropriate text messaging and emailing, sending offensive or degrading images by phone or via the internet, producing offensive graffiti, gossiping, excluding people from groups and spreading hurtful and untruthful rumours. Bullying can be related to race, religion or culture, special educational needs or disabilities, appearance or health conditions, sexual orientation, home circumstances and sexist or sexual bullying.
Racist bullying
As with all types of bullying, allegations of racist bulling will be fully investigated and recorded. Incidents found to be so are reported to the Local Authority through their specified procedure.
Strategies for Communication of the Policy
- School Council
- Parent Newsletter
- Staff training
- Assemblies
- Posters
- School website
- School newsletters
- Clear procedures for reporting, recording and tackling bullying
- PSHE learning
- Anti bullying week
- Anti bullying class ambassadors
This policy is frequently communicated to pupils through presentations in assembly in class discussions, in the use of stories and role play, and in conversations with individuals or small groups of children.
Children understand that all instances of bullying will be treated seriously. They appreciate that reporting bullying to an adult is the right thing to do and will not be dismissed as tale-telling. They are also helped to see the difference between falling out with friends and one off or accidental incidents.
Parents are encouraged to watch for signs of bullying in their children such as: -
- Unexplained sudden shyness and lack of confidence
- Sudden temper s and nightmares
- Physical signs, e.g. bedwetting
- Reluctance to attend school
- A desire to take a different route to school.
(these signs do not however automatically mean a child is being bullied at school)
Staff are expected to be vigilant in watching for signs of bullying. Lunchtime supervisors have an important part to play through observation and monitoring of pupils. Lunchtime supervisors should report back to staff at the end of playtime of any incidents that have occurred and inform the teacher where suspected bullying occurs.
Reporting Bullying
We aim to create an atmosphere where children feel that they will be listened to, sensitivity will be shown, and swift action taken. We also aim to provide safety for the person being bullied or the person reporting a bullying incident. They will be kept aware of how the incident is being dealt with.
What to do if you think your child is being bullied
- Talk to your child’s class teacher immediately. They will follow up the incident and let you know what is being done. The headteacher will be informed.
- If unhappy with the response then this should be discussed with the Assistant Headteacher/Headteacher.
What next?
- Depending on the severity of the incident the victim and the bully might be brought together by the headteacher and the incident talked through. This may also be done separately the parents of the child will be informed and all will be made clear of the consequences should it continue.
- It will be made clear to the child that their behaviours are of a bullying nature and that they must stop. The child displaying the bullying behaviours will be given the opportunity to change their behaviour with support if necessary. If it is felt appropriate then sanctions will be used.
- Once the incident has been dealt with the situation will be monitored to ensure the bullying has not resumed. If the bullying is seen to be continuing then further sanctions will be implemented.
What to do if you are a member of staff experiencing bullying
- Report it to the headteacher or a member of the Governing Body.
- The situation will then be investigated from all sides and the staff disciplinary procedures used if needed.
- If a member of staff experiences bullying from a parent or adult who is within our school community but not a member of staff, the headteacher or Governing Body will investigate and appropriate action taken.
What to do if you witness bullying
If you are a witness to a bullying incident you have a responsibility to report it, either to the relevant class teacher or the headteacher.
Support for Children who have been bullied
Pupils who have bullied will be helped by:
Discussing what happened
Discovering why the pupil became involved
Establishing the wrong doing and need to change
Informing parents or guardians to help change the attitude of the pupil.
Support for the bully
There can be underlying reasons for bullying which need to be addressed to help a bully recognise and change their behaviour. This may involve a range of school adults, outside agencies and parents.
Parental complaints procedure
If parents are unhappy at anytime with how their child’s incident is being dealt with or have concerns about their child’s well being they should firstly contact the Headteacher. If they still feel dissatisfied then our school Safeguarding Governor can be contacted.
All incidents of bullying will be logged on CPOMs. When being recorded the incidents will be logged according to type.
Monitoring, evaluation and review of this policy
The school will review this policy annually and assess its implementation and effectiveness. The policy will be promoted and implemented throughout the school.
Equal Opportunities
Please see our school Statement