Safeguarding at Orchard Meadow

Safeguarding Statement
Orchard Meadow Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, which can be viewed here.
The government has launced a new website which gives parents, teachers and school leaders practical advice on protecting children against extremism and radicalisation. Educate Against Hate.
Pupil Voice
Capturing how pupil feel and any worries they may have is really important to us. We regularly use pupil voice surveys and pupil conferencing to evaluate what we do, particularly when it comes to pupil well-being. The latest survey was conducted earlier this term (headline findings below).
We use 'Zones of Regulation' in every classroom too as part of our Family Meetings, which helps pupils who are worried or upset express how they are feeling.
Daily Pledge:
Our commitment to keeping everyone safe is reinforced daily through our pledge, which is part of Family Meetings. Teachers remind pupils that: 'it is my job to keep you safe' and they answer: 'it is our job to keep it that way'. This helps to create a culture of shared responsibility for everyone's safety.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead for Orchard Meadow is Heather Richards (Headteacher).
All of our Deputy DSLs have received DSL training and form part of our wider Safeguarding team, which works together to ensure pupils ar Orchard Meadow are kept safe:
You may also find the following links useful for further information:
Contact details for Local Authority Designated Officer
Concerns about a child
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board
NSPCC Is your child ready to be left alone?
Safeguarding is everyones responsibility - if you concerns for a child's welfare you can report to the NSPCC
The government has produced a useful resource regarding safeguarding during Covid-19.
The government has launced a new website which gives parents, teachers and school leaders practical advice on protecting children against extremism and radicalisation. Educate Against Hate.
Making a referral to PREVENT advice click here
You may also find the following links useful for further information:
Contact details for Local Authority Designated Officer
Concerns about a child
Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board
NSPCC Is your child ready to be left alone?
More useful resources:
We are committed to keeping every child safe and for this reason, we ensure that any adult working in school undertake rigorous criminal checks. We insist that any visitor to school who will be working in areas where children have access has clearance and photographic evidence of who they are. We pride ourselves in giving children “A Voice” and for this reason we investigate any allegation a child makes. All staff have had Child Protection training.
Please click the links below to visit:
Education Against Hate website
Education Against Hate Twitter
ThinkUKnow website
CEOP website
UK Safer Internet Centre website
Fortnite for Parents
Minecraft for Parents
Roblox for Parents
YouTube for Parents
FIFA for Parents
Childnet International - Parents and Carers Toolkit
Support For Parents - Childline guidance
Support For Parents - Relationships Education (RSE)
Extra Links
Please click the links below to visit:
Childline website
Keeping Children Safe in Education website
Working Together for Safeguarding Children website
Childline's Information on " Worry's about the world"